The JT Sophiez went on an adventure this week, taking part in Just Trade’s first Bloggers Fashion Week at the Bloggers Fashion Week Tea Party; an exciting event for bloggers to get to know new brands and speak with them directly about their products, held in Shoreditch, East London. There were a variety of brands showcasing their merchandise from make up to tea to jewellery as well as a live catwalk, a DJ and a beauty bar with complimentary make up tutorials and manicures from City Swish. There was a huge turn out and we had a brilliant time meeting lots of new people and talking about Just Trade. Everyone was so lovely about our jewellery, we can’t wait to read all of the blog posts about the event coming up in the next few weeks!

Check out the lovely blogs we have been featured on so far: www.littleleeli.blogspot.co.uk (@LiTTLe_LeeLi)
www.whatcatsays.co.uk (@CatttSays)
www.tenelleatlarge.wordpress.com (@misstenelle)
www.nevenakrstic.blogspot.co.uk (@NevKrstic)
www.jordanjemimajoseph.com (@JordanJemimaJ)
www.ruby-mays-tuesdays.blogspot.co.uk (@Rubywalder)
www.beautifulladdictions.blogspot.co.uk (@vickyayles)
www.cybrgirl.co (@cybrgal) Thank you to Bloggers Love for having us!