Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers. It’s about supporting the development of thriving farming and worker communities that have more control over their futures and protecting the environment in which they live and work.
(source: www.fairtrade.org.uk)
Just Trade works in partnership with fair trade artisans across the world to create hand made contemporary fashion jewellery for the ethically minded. We are completely committed to the 10 Principles of Fair Trade as set out by the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO) and listed >>

Just Trade is proud to be a member of The British Association for Fair Trade Shops and Suppliers. 'BAFTS' is an association of members who, although independent, unite in a core purpose which is to bring about fundamental changes in the status of developing world producers through Fair Trade retailing and campaigning. Fair Trade shops and suppliers promote social justice for the producers of the goods they sell.